Date : Saturday, January 18, 2025
Welcome to Sushila Educational Institute
Welcome to Sushila Educational Institute
Students and parents / guardians shall abide strictly to the rules and regulations noted here, which may be modified from time to time. If it necessary any breach of these rules shall lead to serious consequences such as warning, fines, suspension, dismissal and compulsory issue of Transfer Certificate depending on the severity of the misconduct / breach. The Principal’s decision shall be final in this regard and binding on the student parent / guardian.
Menu : General & Discipline
Rules of Examination :
1. a) There will be two terminal examinations and one final examination, in addition to the midterm examinations.
b) The institute conducts mid terms examination for each subjects before each terminal examinations.
c) The mid term examination are important as it comprises the internal evaluation of the student that accounts for 20% of the marks required for passing.
d) It is mandatory for students to appear for mid term examination and no retest shall be taken under any circumstance.
e) Answer sheets of 1st and 2nd terminal examination will be shown to the parents for improvement of their wards, No answer sheets of session ending examination will be shown.
f) The progress report of the ward will be send to the Parent / Guardian after every mid term examination & terminal examinations.
2. Students are required to appear for all examinations. Absence from the terminal / annual examination means total loss of marks. If the student is unable to attend the examinations because of any unavoidable reason or emergency, the parent / guardian shall submit a leave letter stating the reason. Those absent from an examination without sufficient and justifiable reason acceptable to the Principal will be considered as having failed in the examination. No re-examination will be conducted.
3. Depending on the genuineness and validity of reason for being absent for the examination, the Principal may, at his/her discretion, consider marks of other examinations for evaluating eligibility for promoting the student to the next standard.
4. No student will be allowed to appear for examinations unless all fees are paid.
5. A student failing twice in the same class will not be permitted to continue in the institute.
6. A student will be presented for the final examination, only if he/she satisfies the norms laid down be the C.B.S.E. regarding progress and attendance.
7. If a student get ‘F’ grade in 3 subjects or more in class III onwards he / she may be detained in the same class with the consent of the parent.
8. In case, the parent does not consent, the student will be promoted to the next class. However, if the student gets ‘F’ grade in 3 subjects or more in the next class, the student will be detained in the same class.
For Classes VI to IX

The grading system will be followed and the grade criteria’s decided by CBSE is given below :-

A – 90 and above
B - 80 to 89
C - 70 to 79
D – 60 to 69
E – 45 to 59
F – 33 to 44
G – Below 33 percent.

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